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Photo collage wall art Photo collage wall art

Collage Photo Prints

Design a photo collage with up to 27 photos on the product of your choice.

Our most popular collage wall art types

Creating a collage print is a great way to show off your favourite memories in an eye-catching layout.

Other great materials for printing collage designs

With a range of mediums available, each delivering a unique finish, there are plenty of options available for creating your collage print.

How to make a collage print online

1. Choose your material

Choose which material you want to create your photo collage on.

2. Upload your photos

You can add up to 27 photos to create your collage.

3. Personalise your design

Personalise the layout of photos and add a variety additional design elements like text and clipart.

4. Leave it to us!

We’ll print your collage, package it and deliver it straight to your door.

Your favourite memories as a photo strip

Select from a wide variety of design options.
8 hexagonal photo tiles arranged to create a photo wall display

A collage with a difference

hexxas is a great way to create a collage of photos as a wall display but still have the option of updating it whenever you want. Each hexagonal photo tile is placed on the wall with a convenient magnetic hanging system, so you can quickly swap photos to create a new collage as often as you want.


Create your own work of art

Framed collages - and wall art made using multiple images – are so popular because they give you so many opportunities to express yourself and to display a collection of unforgettable moments in a single frame. For example, your wall collage could consist of pictures from a once-in-a-lifetime holiday abroad, your wedding photos, or photos of your best friends and family. Contemporary materials such as Canvas Prints, Gallery Prints and Acrylic Prints are all great choices for modern living spaces. Discover a huge variety of products, designs, formats and materials at CEWE.

Find the perfect combination for you

It’s important to consider your space when you choose which type of wall art to design. Gallery Prints and Acrylic collages enhance holiday pictures and romantic photographs with excellent colour fidelity, sharp detail and depth. They look great in living rooms and bedrooms.

Lightweight materials such as Foam Board are ideal for hand-drawn images or illustrations and work particularly well in a child or teenager's room.

Aluminium is wipe-clean, weatherproof and durable, so it’s ideal for collages with a large number of pictures to be displayed in a bathroom, kitchen or even outside!

Finally, collages on canvas are versatile and classic - they come into their own on any bare wall.

How you can order a collage print

Simply choose the creation option that suits you best.

CEWE Photo App

  • Design anytime and anywhere
  • Quick installation
  • Save projects permanently in the app

CEWE Creator Software

  • Wide variety of designs
  • Easy installation on your PC
  • Save projects permanently on your computer

Design Online

  • Start designing straight away
  • No installation necessary
  • Save projects online for 6 months